About Profile
Profile® Products is driven to provide effective, environmentally friendly solutions. Based in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, Profile Products manufactures and distributes proven solutions that help you thrive in a competitive environment while enhancing the natural environment of the sites you serve. It’s our mission to consistently help our customers establish sustainable green space through water and soil management and plant establishment. And we accomplish this by bringing our knowledgeable people, proven products, groundbreaking technology and personal services on-site to holistically meet real world applications—assuring success on every job.
Permanently enhance soil at the root zone with Profile® Porous Ceramics (PPCs). Profile® has the soil solutions you need to permanently enhance your root zones for improved germination, increased oxygen levels, and greater water and nutrient retention.
Our industry-leading Profile® Porous Ceramic (PPC) soil conditioners replace peat and other inferior products in native soil and sand mixes. The secret is a ceramic particle that only degrades 3% over 20 years, providing decades of ideal conditions at the root zones of golf greens, fairways, landscaping beds and more!